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How Do Pellet Grills Work?

While pellet grills have been around for decades, their popularity has skyrocketed in the last few years
as more and more people discover the versatility and ease-of-use. This popularity has pushed pellet grills
into the mainstream and we get quite a few questions about how exactly pellet grills work. So let’s get
into pellet grills!

Pellet Grills: Understanding Their Function, Fuel, and Operation

There’s something magical about gathering around a grill with friends and family, enjoying the aroma of delicious food as it cooks to perfection. Among the many types of grills available in the market, pellet grills have been gaining popularity for their unique features and convenience. Here we’ll delve into the fascinating world of pellet grills, exploring how they function, their fuel source, and how they operate.

How Pellet Grills Function

Pellet grills blend traditional grilling and modern technology, creating wood-fired flavor with the push of a button on a digital controller. Pellet grills use compressed hardwood pellets as fuel, which are stored the hopper and fed into a firebox (sometimes called a burn pot) by an auger system. Once a temperature is selected on the controller, the auger drops pellets into the firebox which has an igniter rod that ignites the pellets, while internal fans are used to force air through the firebox and create combustion. Once the pellets are burning, the igniter will shut off and the internal fans will continue to run, keeping the pellets burning and creating heat according to the temperature selected on the controller. This controlled feeding mechanism allows for precise temperature control and therefore consistent cooking results.

Fueling the Pellet Grill

Like gas grills or charcoal grills, pellet grills get their name from their fuel source which is a compressed hardwood pellet. Hardwood pellets are created from wood waste, essentially the pure sawdust from lumber mills, and compressed with force into shape without the use of binders or glue. These small, cylindrical pieces come in various flavors, such as hickory, mesquite, apple, and cherry, allowing you to customize the taste of your grilled food. Pellets are also environmentally friendly, as they are sourced from sawdust from lumber mills. And as a fuel source they produce minimal ash and burn clean, which is ideal for grilling and smoking food.

Operating a Pellet Grill

Using a pellet grill is incredibly simple and user-friendly, and rivals the quick convenience of a gas grill, creating a wood-fired flavor that a gas grill just cannot match. To begin, fill the hopper with your desired hardwood pellets, and push a button. A digital control panel allows you to set your desired cooking temperature, and the grill will automatically adjust the pellet feed rate to maintain that temperature. Yoder Smokers S-Series pellet grills actually feature what’s called an ACS Controller, designed by Yoder Smokers engineers and manufactured here in the Midwest. The ACS controller system adjusts to exterior factors, featuring an intuitive control board that is always learning and improving. It means quicker temperature recovery after opening the lid or loading up the cooker with meat. Many pellet grills, including the Yoder Smokers S-Series, also come with meat probes, which allow you to monitor the internal temperature of your food without opening the lid. In fact, the Yoder Smokers S-Series pellet grills can be monitored through our app on your phone, so you can connect via WiFi or Bluetooth to manage your entire cook. This ensures that your food is cooked to perfection every time.

The Yoder Smokers S-Series Pellet Grill

Among the various pellet grills available, the American-made Yoder Smokers S-Series pellet grill stands out. A premium, handmade product crafted from heavy-gauge steel, these grills are truly built to last for years and deliver exceptional performance, whether it’s on the competition trial or in the backyard. The Yoder Smokers intelligent ACS Control System leads the pack with precise temperature control, wireless connectivity, expansive cooking surfaces, and versatility…Flame grill, smoke, bake, or sear on one cooker, and eliminate the need for multiple grills on the patio. Know that when you invest in a Yoder Smokers S-series pellet grill, you’re not just getting a premium, American-made pellet grill; you’re setting the stage for delicious backyard meals and memories for years to come, and we are proud to help make that happen.

Want more information on the Yoder Smokers S-Series pellet grills and smokers? Read More

6 thoughts on “How Do Pellet Grills Work?”

    1. Depending on the temperature you’re cooking, but at 225F we’ve seen a full hopper run for 10-12 hours at those temps.

  1. Question I will be in the Great Bend Kansas area working which isn’t far from Hutchingson do you guy every have any dent / scratch 2nd grill / smokers at the factory for sale ?

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